Md. Akhtaruzzaman
Assistant Managing Director & Company Secretary
Janab Md. Akhtaruzaman is the Assistant Managing Director & Company Secretary. He has been serving this Company since 1st December 2008. Since joining the company, he has served as the Company Secretary as well as the Chief Financial Officer until March 16, 2021.
He started his career in Eastland Insurance Company Limited as an Audit Officer on 03.04.1994 and served there up to 28.02.1999.Thereafter; he worked in Northern General insurance Company Limited from 01.03.1999 to 02.05.2003. He also worked at this Company (ICICL) from 03.05.2003 to 28.02.2007 as the Company Secretary and the CFO. He then served as Company Secretary of Express Insurance Limited from 01.03.2007 to 30.11.2008 and was brought back by the managing authority of ICICL. This is his second employment in this company.
After completing the Preliminary part of the Masters of Commerce in Accounting, he completed the C.A course from M/s. Shah Alam & Co., Chartered Accountants under the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). He obtained L.L.B Degree from the National University and I.T.P. certificate from the National Board of Revenue of Bangladesh.
He has vast experience on Secretarial matters including RJSC, Companies Act, Corporate Governance, Capital restructuring process such as IPO, Right Share Issue etc. He is expert in hand in financial reporting under purview of Bangladesh Accounting Standard. He has also knowledge on Tax, VAT, reporting to regulatory authorities and also insurance and capital market related rules and regulations.
Janab Akhtaruzaman participated in various trainings, seminars on insurance symposiums, reinsurance, money laundering and capital market, etc. organized by Bangladesh Insurance Academy, Bangladesh Insurance Association, Bangladesh Bank and Dhaka Stock Exchange. He has been working in the insurance sector for the last twenty seven years.